Financial Services, Customers & Neighborhoods: Old Story, New Solutions
As they pursue SMBs, FIs discover that a local, physical presence is essential. But FIs should not do the same old thing to meet this challenge.
If you’ve been reading this newsletter for a while, you know that I think & write a lot about why it’s important that financial institutions have local, physical presences - for customers, prospective customers, economic viability of a neighborhood, access to credit.
I’ve curated newsletters that dig into these issues — and what FIs can do about them.
SMBs & Gen Z
Branches of the Future
Access to credit & economic growth
Physical branches - however reimagined - provide a critical link between businesses and economic growth of a community.
Humans Still Want Human Experiences
Who writes PivotAssets?
I’m an independent analyst, strategic advisor & consultant (& a former Gartner analyst). I’ve worked in and covered the banking industry for over 2 decades.
This newsletter is designed to challenge you & to give you a fresh perspective & analysis on the transformation that is —and isn’t happening - in the industry.
How can I help you?
Want more insights and analysis on small innovations, ghosting customers, hidden tribes and leveraging your bank’s legacy? Need help positioning your digital banking solution or fintech to meet the demands of today’s banking environment? I have my own firm PivotAssets.
I can analyze your GTM strategy or sales or VC presentation, help you prepare for your first vendor briefing or your first funding pitch meeting. I also write piece of thought leadership relevant to your business, solutions or technology. I also organize and moderate webinars series, podcast or panel.
Contact me at or via LinkedIn.
I’m also available for inquiry and strategy sessions via Third Eye Advisory.
Me, Elsewhere
Did you miss the last Fintech Book Club? Follow our LinkedIn page to make sure you’re part of the club on 11 April.
I’m an expert advisor at Third Eye Advisory. Ready to help your company or financial institution:
Lead with problem solving
Develop Value-Driven Customer Experiences
Build Product Innovation & Differentiation
Create Strategic Intelligence for Investors.
I spoke with Theodora Lau and Barb Maclean on their podcast One Vision about smart banking & hidden tribes.