I’m pleased to announce...
A lot has changed for me in the last year. And now, there's more change afoot...
photo by lumix2004 on Pixabay
The last two weeks of August are traditionally a slow time in business when folks take one last trip to the beach or visit grandparents before the start of the school year. Yet, this year is different in so many ways for many – if not all – of us.
A lot has changed in the last year since I left my job. The pandemic, of course. My daughter celebrated her bat mitzvah in front of friends and family from several states – the last time we saw most them in person, as it turned out. What fond memories I have of watching my daughter laugh & dance the evening away with her friends. From my car I watched my son graduate from high school and then go off to university. As executor of my mother’s estate, I completed an enormous amount of paperwork, became well acquainted with medallion stamps and the location of notaries in my neighborhood (community bank and state representative’s office). I’m an advisor to a fintech. I took on a volunteer position with my faith community – something I hadn’t had time or energy to do in years – which I wrote about it in PivotAssets, my newsletter.
And now there’s more change
My consultancy, PivotAssets. I help vendors, fintechs, investors to navigate the competitive global banking market. I offer a wide range of services including - but not limited to - strategy analysis, product roadmap & go-to-market strategy analysis, acquisition due diligence, and product marketing advisory.
I’ve joined The Analyst Syndicate – a worldwide network of analysts who cover a myriad of topics. The Syndicate is creating a new business model for research & analysis. I’m covering the banking industry there. What will it mean? First, lots of collaboration, new ideas and analysis. Second, another way for me to work with vendors, investors, and bankers all over the world.
If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my newsletter – I publish new thoughts and analysis there weekly. I’ll also be publishing at The Analyst Syndicate.
What’s next?
I can help your business – Need the ear and advice of an experienced strategist & analyst? Entering the bank market and want to understand your competitors? Feedback on your sales or marketing approach? Technology analysis for acquisitions? Want to get the attention of the right analysts?
Interested in learning more about The Analyst Syndicate? Contact me & we’ll talk.
Brief me on your solution/fintech/API/platform.
Send me a message on LinkedIn, twitter or email stessa@pivotassets.co.